sábado, 21 de mayo de 2011

Burn Quran in Madrid on 07/07/2011

07 of July 2011  I , “IMRAN FIRASAT” (A Pakistani, Ex Muslim, residing in Spain with political refugee status) will burn “QURAN”  publicly in Madrid, in the memory of those innocent people who lost their lives in London Bombing which was organized by muslims who follow the violent education of Quran.

I am not copying or repeating the act of terry jones but I am supporting him by doing so and continuing the revolution which he began against the islamic ideology of terrorism which comes out of Quran.
I am totally agree with terry jones and i justify the necessity of destroying this Satanic book, but the only thing I am not agree with him is to declare a spacific day for burning the Quran. Because in my opinion everyday should be a “Quran burning day”. Everyday should be a “Draw Muhammad day” and everyday should be a “Spitting and Kicking Muhammad day”
That is because in a calender there is not any single day when there was not any massacre occured by muslims.Why do we have to protest on a particular day of the year? Do muslims kill people on a fix day of the year? no. they do violence and kill people whenever and wherever they want during the whole year.
I know we can´t burn Quran everyday because of a busy life schedule but at least in the memory of our innocent loving people whose lives were snatched by cruel islamic terrorism, we can burn it on the biggest human massacre dates which the muslims are responsible for. For example: 9/11, 11/03, 07/07, 26/11 etc. Let me justify the necessity of burning Quran:
·Quran is not a religious book which is written by the God and which teaches love, solidarity and humanity but Its a satanic creation of selfish Muhammad which he created in order to concieve his own interests. Quran is a violent novel which is not compatible to our modern world and humanity. Quran teaches hate,killing,violence,revenge,forced conversions to Islam,child abuse,torture,discrimination to women,superiority of men and elimination of all non muslimsfromthis world etc.
·Quran´s violent education convince million of muslims to embrace the way of terrorism against western countries and innocent people who are not muslims, as they consider that part of Jihad (holy war), an obligation for every muslim, ordered by Allah and Muhammad.
·The responsible of all terrorist attacks,destroy of world peace and loss of human lives is Quran.

Here we can take an example of Hitler, who was as powerful as now the Islamic terrorism is. Nobody could harm him. He was capable to conquer all what he wanted but when half of the world got together, faced him and fought him bravely, then he fell. Just like that the war which actually Mr.Bush started, we have to continue, but more agressively. As agressive as muslims are agressively eager to erase western world. Its time to get together.fighting alone in pieces is over. Now all the pieces of this puzzle have to come together and make a clear picture of strategy of fighting against islamic terrorism. No more time to think. As many minutes you will take to think, during that muslims will kill more innocent people inanycorner of the world. We need sacrifications to win this war. Sacrification of our time and will. If we are determined to clean this islamic garbage then lets do it once and for all.

Quran was burnt first time and muslims have protested and killed many foreigners in afghanistan, But i would like to mention that it has been occured a million times that muslims burnt bible. Does that mean the world´s  billion of christians should start rioting on streets and calling for the blood of muslims? No. because we are not uneducated,violent and uncivilized like muslims.We believe in freedom of speech. Muslims are sensitive and get provoked on any small thing but they dont realize when they hurt and provoke people by destroying the peace of our lives. 99% of the western world live in shadow of the fear of islamic terrorism. My be one of our muslim neighbour, may beamuslim taxi driver or may be a muslim vendor will just blow all of us by saying ALLA HU AKBAR. Muslims feel insult if some one express his opinion about islam,radicalism and terrorism, but in my opinion its not insult. its freedom of opinion.

May be some of you would consider unnecessery this war against islam and would say that just let the things happen as those are going on. But you would say that because you haven´t got hurt.the onw who lose his someone loving gets hurt and feels pain.
Ask the feelings of a mother who lost her young daughter in islamic suicide bomb blast, can she forget her?
Ask the feelings of that father whose young son was murdered by muslims, can he erase the memories of his son from his mind who learned walking by holding his finger?
Ask that little innocent child whose parents were snatched by cruel muslim terrorists, can he sleep well at night? does´nt he wake up suddenly by shock at night and looking for his parents, saying “Mom Dad where are you?”
Its not easy to rebuild the life for them. They still have nightmares. Tell me something, what actually we do for those who lost their lives by islamic terrorism? Do we do something else except putting some flowers on their grave or crying for some seconds infront of their photo? Dont you hear their voice which is calling for peace? Their souls are yearning for justice, crying to see that their killers are still free. Let me tell you that their killer is not a particular person or a particular group of terrorists, but the mastermind behind their killing is “QURAN” which teaches “Jihad,Killing,Hate,Revenge and Discrimination”. This book has no right to be existed on our earth. This earth is for peaceful people and notforthe people who follow the violent and cruel education of Quran.

I invite everyone from all over the world to participate in this event because I can´t fight alone for a very long time. Someday I would be killed by muslims. Then you all have to continue this fight for saving our children´s future who would not have to be feared by muslims. your participation would make stronger our fight against terrorism.
At last I would like to leave a message for the muslims who would protest against my decision of Quran burning and would try to kill me: “torture me, kill me but more and more Imran will raise the voice and bring revolution against your muslim terror mentality, we dont afraid but we believe in justice and liberty of expression”

Imran Firasat (Madrid)

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