sábado, 21 de mayo de 2011

The home of Allah with shadow of the dragon

The home of Allah with shadow of the dragon

There are hundreds of thousand fraud creation from Muhammad which he introduced and imposed forcefully on every muslim´s life. Let´s talk about one of them:
MECCA (the home of Allah)
first Muhammad forced people to convert to Islam on the point of sword and then he did everything possible which could prove the superiority of his country (Saudi Arabia) and can make it financially more and more stronger. His dirty mind invented a new idea. He declared “Mecca” the home of Allah.
He ordered to all muslims that “you all have to pray 5 times a day facing to Mecca”. I don´t see if any other religion like christianity,hinduism or jewism ask their followers to pray facing to a particular city or building.that because pray is related from heart directly to the god. And something which is from heart has no connection with a particular time,place or thing. But by doing this Muhammad wanted to prove that his land is greatest and worshipable where god exists.
Apart of that also ordered to all the muslims that “does´nt metter where you are in the world but once in a life every muslim must visit Mecca” and that act calls “HAJ” which is an obligation for every muslim according to Islam (Sorry, according to Muhammad). does´n metter you have money or not. does´nt metter your children have enough food to eat or not but you all have to visit Mecca once in your life. By doing that he made sure more and more income to his country.
Every year more than 2 million people visit Mecca for Haj which gives a lot of money to Saudi Arabian economey (thanks to Muhammad). Believe me, I have seen all my life from my won eyes that how the poor people in countries like india,pakistan and indonesia sell their homes,jwellery and sacrifice their happiness for visiting Mecca as an islamic obligation. But they do not know that God can not exist in a black box “made by muhammad”. God exists in our hearts. God exists in our acts. God exists in our daily life. God never force us to visit a particular city or building for praying. Those blind faith innocent muslims do not understand that since many centuries they are being made fool by a cunning dragon call´s Muhammad.
Saudi Arabia earns every year billion of dollars by those Haj visitors. That is the hard working blood money of innocent muslims which instead of throwing for visitng to Mecca, they can spend on better education, better quality of life or for being better human.
I would suggest all the muslims to think about it deeply and not waste their money for visiting that black box of mecca where god does´nt exist but the only thing exist is the shadow of the dragon call´s Muhammad. And if you have so much money and you still want to visit want to visit somewhere then i would suggest you to visit DISNEYLAND of Paris which is thousand times better place then Mecca.and where there is no existence of a dragon like muhammad.

Imran Firasat (Spain)

Conversion to Islam on point of the sword

Islam is the second biggest religion on our planet. Did you ever think that how the most questionable,violent and full of injustice religion can have billion of followers? Let me know you then. The basic ideology of Islam is Force,Threat and Violence. These 3 factors are the keys of spreading Islam worldwide. I mean to say that Islam was imposed and introduced by (1)Force (2)Threat (3)Violence.
Muhammad, who was not actually a prophet but indeed was a mafia, never recieved any message from Allah but falsely he declared himself a prophet and created false messages saying that those messages are from Allah. His objective was clear, to make his mafia gang (his followers) and his country (Saudi Arabia) developed and get respected by everyone.

He spread the message to all his muslim followers that:
“I have been commanded by Allah to fight them (Infidels) until they bear testimony to the fact that there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger”.

He also spread a clear death threat to all non muslims:
“Submit and testify that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is the apostale of Allah, before you lose your head”.

In short, according to the message of Allah which Muhammad conveyed to the world through Quran, “Muslims are commanded to fight infidels until they are either dead or converted to Islam. Allowing people of other faiths to live and worship independently is not an option in Islam”.
Muhammad and his successors iniciated offensive war against peaceful countries in order to impose Islam by force. By using force,violence and killing million of people he was succeed to get more and more people converted to Islam. His idea of war for spreading Islam (Jihad – holy war for sake of the god) was extraordinarily successfull. Muhammad´s formula in this war was “success on any price”. He killed many innocent Christians,Hindus and Jews who did´nt agree to embrace Islam. Their wives were made slaves of Muhammad and their children were sold to the rich muslims for sexual abusement (the favourite hobby of muslims). Their jwellery and lands were seized by Muhammad.
Those, who by force were converted to Islam continued to follow this Islamic Hoax by the fear of Muhammad. And then generation to generation the time passed, things got forgotten and the new generations did´nt realize that they are following a religion which is based on the graves of many innocent men, they are respecting a religion which is based on the mountain of the tears of uncountable women. They continued respecting Muhammad as the messenger of Allah and Islam the religion which their past generations gave them. They never came to knew the history or reality that how actually Muhammad brutally torture people to embrace a religion which does´nt even exist. And since then until today billion of innocent muslims are following the Hoax education of Islam which Muhammad imposed on them.
Well, the point to focus is that these blind faith muslims do not know that they are the following generations of the people who were forced to embrace Islam and many of them were killed brutally by Muhammad and that they are following a religion which is the creation of a selfish mafia (Muhammad) who created this Islamic Hoax for making himself strong, otherwise islam is nothing else then creation of a cunning islamic dictator.

Burn Quran in Madrid on 07/07/2011

07 of July 2011  I , “IMRAN FIRASAT” (A Pakistani, Ex Muslim, residing in Spain with political refugee status) will burn “QURAN”  publicly in Madrid, in the memory of those innocent people who lost their lives in London Bombing which was organized by muslims who follow the violent education of Quran.

I am not copying or repeating the act of terry jones but I am supporting him by doing so and continuing the revolution which he began against the islamic ideology of terrorism which comes out of Quran.
I am totally agree with terry jones and i justify the necessity of destroying this Satanic book, but the only thing I am not agree with him is to declare a spacific day for burning the Quran. Because in my opinion everyday should be a “Quran burning day”. Everyday should be a “Draw Muhammad day” and everyday should be a “Spitting and Kicking Muhammad day”
That is because in a calender there is not any single day when there was not any massacre occured by muslims.Why do we have to protest on a particular day of the year? Do muslims kill people on a fix day of the year? no. they do violence and kill people whenever and wherever they want during the whole year.
I know we can´t burn Quran everyday because of a busy life schedule but at least in the memory of our innocent loving people whose lives were snatched by cruel islamic terrorism, we can burn it on the biggest human massacre dates which the muslims are responsible for. For example: 9/11, 11/03, 07/07, 26/11 etc. Let me justify the necessity of burning Quran:
·Quran is not a religious book which is written by the God and which teaches love, solidarity and humanity but Its a satanic creation of selfish Muhammad which he created in order to concieve his own interests. Quran is a violent novel which is not compatible to our modern world and humanity. Quran teaches hate,killing,violence,revenge,forced conversions to Islam,child abuse,torture,discrimination to women,superiority of men and elimination of all non muslimsfromthis world etc.
·Quran´s violent education convince million of muslims to embrace the way of terrorism against western countries and innocent people who are not muslims, as they consider that part of Jihad (holy war), an obligation for every muslim, ordered by Allah and Muhammad.
·The responsible of all terrorist attacks,destroy of world peace and loss of human lives is Quran.

Here we can take an example of Hitler, who was as powerful as now the Islamic terrorism is. Nobody could harm him. He was capable to conquer all what he wanted but when half of the world got together, faced him and fought him bravely, then he fell. Just like that the war which actually Mr.Bush started, we have to continue, but more agressively. As agressive as muslims are agressively eager to erase western world. Its time to get together.fighting alone in pieces is over. Now all the pieces of this puzzle have to come together and make a clear picture of strategy of fighting against islamic terrorism. No more time to think. As many minutes you will take to think, during that muslims will kill more innocent people inanycorner of the world. We need sacrifications to win this war. Sacrification of our time and will. If we are determined to clean this islamic garbage then lets do it once and for all.

Quran was burnt first time and muslims have protested and killed many foreigners in afghanistan, But i would like to mention that it has been occured a million times that muslims burnt bible. Does that mean the world´s  billion of christians should start rioting on streets and calling for the blood of muslims? No. because we are not uneducated,violent and uncivilized like muslims.We believe in freedom of speech. Muslims are sensitive and get provoked on any small thing but they dont realize when they hurt and provoke people by destroying the peace of our lives. 99% of the western world live in shadow of the fear of islamic terrorism. My be one of our muslim neighbour, may beamuslim taxi driver or may be a muslim vendor will just blow all of us by saying ALLA HU AKBAR. Muslims feel insult if some one express his opinion about islam,radicalism and terrorism, but in my opinion its not insult. its freedom of opinion.

May be some of you would consider unnecessery this war against islam and would say that just let the things happen as those are going on. But you would say that because you haven´t got hurt.the onw who lose his someone loving gets hurt and feels pain.
Ask the feelings of a mother who lost her young daughter in islamic suicide bomb blast, can she forget her?
Ask the feelings of that father whose young son was murdered by muslims, can he erase the memories of his son from his mind who learned walking by holding his finger?
Ask that little innocent child whose parents were snatched by cruel muslim terrorists, can he sleep well at night? does´nt he wake up suddenly by shock at night and looking for his parents, saying “Mom Dad where are you?”
Its not easy to rebuild the life for them. They still have nightmares. Tell me something, what actually we do for those who lost their lives by islamic terrorism? Do we do something else except putting some flowers on their grave or crying for some seconds infront of their photo? Dont you hear their voice which is calling for peace? Their souls are yearning for justice, crying to see that their killers are still free. Let me tell you that their killer is not a particular person or a particular group of terrorists, but the mastermind behind their killing is “QURAN” which teaches “Jihad,Killing,Hate,Revenge and Discrimination”. This book has no right to be existed on our earth. This earth is for peaceful people and notforthe people who follow the violent and cruel education of Quran.

I invite everyone from all over the world to participate in this event because I can´t fight alone for a very long time. Someday I would be killed by muslims. Then you all have to continue this fight for saving our children´s future who would not have to be feared by muslims. your participation would make stronger our fight against terrorism.
At last I would like to leave a message for the muslims who would protest against my decision of Quran burning and would try to kill me: “torture me, kill me but more and more Imran will raise the voice and bring revolution against your muslim terror mentality, we dont afraid but we believe in justice and liberty of expression”

Imran Firasat (Madrid)


Since I was a child, I used to hear through the Bollywood movies that:
 “The hands of the law are very long and nobody can escape from them”
then with my growth I rad and saw many famous incidents where rich,famous and powerful people, despite of their strong social status were taken to the justice  and were sentenced for their crimes. Some very famous examples are:
·     ·Murtaza Ali Bhutto (Former Pakistani President)
·     ·Saddam Hussain (Former Iraqi President)
·     ·Moshe Katsav (Former Israeli President)
But why their is one criminal who was always ignored by the law? Why he could always escape from all the charges because of his strong religious status? Why if it comes about him then the hands of the law are shorter than a new born baby?
Now you would be curious to know, who am I talking about? Well, let me reveal. That criminal is “MUHAMMAD”. The crimes he is responsible for are:
(1)  Homicide (2) Kidnappings (3) Robberies (4) Child abuse (5) Torture on women (6) Frauds
There was never any cruel and brutal criminal like Muhammad in the history of our planet. But despite of his criminal biodata he still get worshiped by the Muslims. That´s fine, because its about the blind faith of a particular community who do not want to see the truth. But what has happened to the International community who always talk about the huamnity? Why Muhammad was never declared officially a criminal by the International community?
Why if some great people like: Pope Benedict XVI’s , Salman Rushdie, Geert wilders, Kurt Westergard ect. criticize Muhammad for all what he did, then they always have to get back their words with an apology? Is it a crime to speak the truth? We have to admit that we afraid to the Islamic violence and Islamic terrorism. We can´t change this world until we dont stop fearing from the radical muslims and bravely expose the dirty reality of Muhammad and Quran. We need to help billion of muslims who are walking on a path which is dark and aimless.
I, as a civilized and educated citizen of western world, declare “MUHAMMAD” an international criminal, and on behalf of the International community and humanity, I issue an international arrest warrant of Muhammad for a bunch of crimes he committed so that we can take him to the justice.
Now some of you would say “well Muhammad is dead” but don´t worry. Where there is a wish, there is always a solution. Even he is dead but we can prosecute him in “International Criminal Court”with his statue. Once if he is prosecuted, found guilty and sentenced, then we shall hang his statue till the death and erase his name from every single book which exist on our earth. By doing this all we shall change our violent world to a peaceful world where Islamic education and Jihad would not exist and also we provide huge peace to the souls of all innocent Christians,Jewish,Hindus etc who were torturedbyMuhammad.
So………………….“LETS GO TO THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT”……..IiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Imran Firasat

An open letter to the greatest crazy of the world

In year 2005 The President of Islamic republic of Iran “Mr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad” commented something about Israel in the International media, which bécame a big issue but as usual only for a short time because nobody want to take actions against Islamic countries like Iran. It may because of fear from Islamic countries or may be the intelligency to noit make the hands dirty in fighting with muslim countries. But I would like to reply to the president of Iran through this open letter abouit all his comments:
I rad your comments about Israel, that: “Israel should be removed from the map of this world, Israel must be destroyed, and that if Europe love and care so much to Israel then they must give a place to Israel in the European territory”
First of all I would like to inform you that, Israel is a country with its great history and pride where million of people live. Removing a country from the map of the world means you are talking about killing and destroying million of lives. Your comments are attempt of killing and for that you should be taken to the justice, but you are lucky, actually very lucky that you have´nt been punished for your inhuman and cruel comments about Israel.
I would like to know exactly, why do you want to remove Israel from the map this world? What actually Israelhas done wrong to this world or the humanity? Well the answer is: “Absolutely Nothing”.
Israel does´nt organize the terrorist battacks around the world like muslims countries do, including Iran (which is actually the head of Islamic terrorism industry). Israel does´nt destroy the peace of our world as your own country does (disturbing the whole international community by making nuclear weapons).
I would suggest you that: you must reconsider your comments and apologize to Israel and the great Israeli people. I would like to request you another thing that if you really want to do something good for this world and humanity, then instead of removing Israel from this world, yoju please remove the name of Islam from our world, our hearts and our lives so that this world can live with peace, because something what really is disturbing this world and humanity is not Israel but is Islam.
Imran Firasat

“Bush” A forgotten hero

Was he an evil? Was he a dictator? Was he a cruel,stubborn and less intelligent man?
Was he a man who has done a big favour on our world and humanity by starting a war against Islamic terrorism?
I was never so confuse about anything as much I used to be confuse about my thinking on bush. Should I consider him a great warrior or a cunning dictator who just simply hates islam and loves oil?
Different kind of people had different opinions about Bush and their opinions always used to affect on my thinking. Someone used to say that Bush started this war for oil because Americans are greedy for oil. Someone used to say that because of the war which Bush started, many innocent people are dying everyday and for that Bush is responsible and Bush is a murderer. Someone used to say that bush has created a china wall between muslim and western world. These kind of comments and daily news in international media which used to show the deaths and violence in Iraq and Afghanistan convinced me that Bush is cruel.
But there was one of my boss who changed my thinking and who made me realize that a coin always have two faces, we should never rely on one side reality and that before we make our final opinion about something, we must look at all the angles carefully. He said to me “I accept, that many people are dying in the war, but who is killing those innocent people? Not Bush. Muslims are killing Muslims. Muslims have become suicide bombers and killing their own people. Muslims have created their own world of Jihad”. He asked me that what Bush has done wrong, just only that he took action against the cruel Islamic terrorism, and why Bush should watch silently the deaths of Americans by the hands of Muslim Jihadists?
Honestly after that I reconsidered my opinions about Bush and I found that it is completely true that what Bush has done is a great favour on all of us. He dared to tie the bell on the terrorism cat. He is the first leader of history of our planet who darely took clear actions against Islamic terrorism which started from Muhammad and since many centuries, every day, every month and every year, used to destroy the peace of our hearts.
I feel for the people who are losing their beloved in Afghanistan and Iraq, they are really poor. I feel pity with them but we should not forget that many Americans and Europeans also have been passed through the same situation as their loving people were also snatched by Islamic terrorism. In my opinion we should say thanks to Bush for his great decisions which would be proved too bright for our world´s future. Even today the world is praising Obama for capturing Osama but according my heart, all the credit should go to the Bush because he is the person who started this war to make our world a better place for living.
Imran Firasat

Feel shame to be a Muslim

Let me die please, Let me die. Not because I have any serious uncurable decease or I am tired of living this life, but the reason why I want to die is “I feel shame to be a Muslim” it gives me a lot of shame when there is any news of terrorism attacks by muslims around the world.
Even I am not a terrorist but as being a muslim I feel myself the responsible for those thousand of innocent people who were killed by my Muslim community. When I mention my muslim name somewhere , I feel like everyone is looking at me with suspicious eyes and imagining that I am a suicide bomber and I will just ruin this place and their lives by blasting them. I don’t blame them for the opinion they keep about Muslims. They have more than enough strong reasons to think like that about Muslims. But my question is that what is my fault and why should I be discriminated and hated?
Sometimes i ask to myself that why I was born in a muslim family? How lucky I could be if I could be born in a Christian family, and because of great Christianity I could have been respected by people. I never liked islam but I was always forced to follow islam and be a muslim. Islam has´nt given anything to me or to this world except “Hate, Insult, Killings, Bombs and Violence”. The Muslims are killing innocent people around the world and that makes hide my face by shame.
I kindly request to the God and Jesus Christ that if I have to born again then please make me born in Christianity, because it´s better to die than being born as a Muslim, I can´t take the burden of being Muslim whole life.
Imran Firasat

Muslims do not have capacity to bear the truth

In recent years we have been watching the Circus being played by the muslims around the world on the issue of Cartoons of Prophet Muhammad. Wstern media dared to publish those cartoons for what they really deserve praise and salutes from everyone who is in favour of “Freedom of Speech” and like to defend the truth. I personally think that what they did was not simply publishing some cartoons but that was an act of showing the hidden truth about Muhammad.
Muslims around the world got angry on those publications and protested, because they do not have capacity to bear the truth.
Muslims said that according to Islam it is prohibited to draw Prophet Muhammad. But my question is: Why muslims did´nt protested or burnt the western embassies when in 2004 the animation movie “The Last Prophet” was released? The reason is that in that animation movie Muhammad was showed as a great holy prophet who sacrifice for his people and religion, But there was nothing mentioned about his sex stories, slaves, 11 marriages child abuse, killing people and robbing. In short I would like to emphasize on the point that Muslims do not like if someone expose the dirty reality of Prophet Muhammad. They do not want to accept that Muhammad was not a prophet but was a Mafia who made people fool by declaring himself a prophet and spreading false messages of Allah.
Muslims all over the world rioted on the streets, burnt the western countries flags, killed some innocent people who supported the publications of those cartoons, and also burnt the European embassies. Before doing these kind of stupid acts they forgot that always in difficult humanitarian or economical situation if someone help them out, that is western world. Majority of muslim countries are completely depend economically on Europe and USA. Muslim countries owe huge loans to EU and USA, and no doubt that without the help of western world the Islamic countries could have been bankrupted and their citizens could be fighting like animals for a bread piece. But muslims do not think about all this because they were taught to not feel shame and continue the selfish senseless violence againstthewestern world.
Why muslims are permitted to hurt or insult other religions, but they do not allow anyone to even express his or her view about Islam or Muhammad? I must memorize to the muslims that:
(1)    When muslims destroyed the historical statue of Budha in Afghanistan which was a big insult for Budhist religion, then even not a single muslim was killed by Budhists as a revenge, and not any Islamic embassy was attacked or burnt in the countries like China or Japan.
(2)    When muslims destroyed the Hindu temples in Pakistan, then not any muslim was hurt in india by Hindus, not any mosque was attacked in India as revenge and there was not any violence against the Embassy of Pakistan in India.
(3)    When Muslims burnt churches in Indonesia and killed thousand of Christians, then not any single mosque or Indonesian Embassy was attacked in the Christian countries.
(4)    It’s a normal routine for the muslims to be provoked on any small thing and burn bible,western flags and kill non muslims, but the civilized western world never give them reply in the same way as we believe in humanity, freedom of speech and peace.
These are enough examples to prove that the Islam always have been a violent religion and its followers do not believe in Freedom of speech. With all my respect I would like to ask the muslims that: what is wrong with those cartoons? Was Muhammad niot a terrorist as shown in the cartoon? Was Muhammad not a women abuser as shown in the cartoon?
Getting married 11 times for his sexual satisfaction and having sex with a baby girl of six years, show that how wild he was about women, and if we talk about the terrorism then I don´t feel hesitate to say that the terrorism around the globe organized my muslims is a gift from Muhammad to our world. The violent education which he left to the muslims through Quran is a master degree in terrorism which teaches killing, hate and discrimination
I don,t know how to convince these blind faith muslims that they are following a wroing path taught by Muhammad, but I believe that with the time we can help them to come out of this Islamic hoax. At last I would like to give my support to all the media who participated in exposing Muhammad. Good Job…..Bravo
Imran Firasat